Monday, March 16, 2009

Free Art

Arts Day LA...a day of free seminars facilitated by successful professionals in several different fields, many of whom currently teach classes at UCLA. There are four seminars for each subject - Creative Writing, Design Communication Arts (Graphic Design), Film, Interior Design and Landscape Architecture - spanning instruction on inspiration, tools and finally your life and career. Although at times I felt I was watching an infomercial for extension classes at UCLA, the information provided was well worth sitting through a little PR. Although Arts Day LA is only held once a year, UCLA sponsors several similar events through Summer and Fall.



Writer Barbara Abercrombie & Playwright Leon Martell

Writer Jessica Barksdale Inclan, memoirist Diana Raab, mystery writer John Morgan Wilson & short fiction writer Victoria Patterson

Lunchtime: L.A. style

A closer look....

Goodbye UCLA!

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